Hall of Fame threw one of the biggest Halloween parties last year and this year are amplifying a larger venue with ample line of performers, according to www.hofisbetter.com
The event will host more than 13 disc jockeys including Jurts, Houdini, Daims, Rumpshakrs and many more.
The event will have three stages where partygoers of all types can choose their musical preference: multi-genre, hip-hop and electric dance music.
Open to all ages, the event runs 9 p.m. to 2:30 a.m.
Sunrise Event Center is located at 11167 Trade Center drive, Rancho Cordova.
General admission pre-sale tickets are $15 and $20 at the door. For $10 more, partygoers will gain admission to the event and a bus pass that will take them to theSunriseEventsCenterto avoid driving under the influence.
For more information on the event and to buy tickets, visit http://www.hofisbetter.com/blog/featured/halloweens-most-wanted-2012-more/