A calm summer breeze wafts about the block. Multicultural smells of tamales, kettle corn and pizza waft in the air, playfully toying with people’s noses. A mellow roar of children laughing and adult conversation can be heard. A rainbow of colors creates a stunning sunset as a backdrop behind the tents and booths.
It is Thursday night at Gather in Oak Park, and Josh Sanchez can see the rise of Sacramento before his eyes. He couldn’t be happier to have a hand in this small success.
The farm-to-fork movement is the latest trend in Sacramento, and for good reason. With ample farms in the greater Sacramento region, local, fresh products are easily available to anyone. But great food isn’t the only local resource available. Sacramento is brimming with locals who have incredible talents to bring to the table. They just need the platform and support to do so. Sanchez is one of those people and his talent is finding more people like him.
Sanchez, 27, is a local product himself. A former City College student who graduated from Christian Brothers in 2006, Sanchez recently graduated from Sacramento State. He is as homegrown as can be.
Sanchez says he knew from a young age he wanted to be part of the Sacramento underground scene. Local music and art have always fascinated him. Sanchez knows the building blocks need to come from within to build Sacramento’s culture.
Sanchez interned for Unseen Heroes and then began working with them a little over a year ago.
Unseen Heroes, an events marketing agency, partners with emerging businesses to create new experiences for city-goers. Sanchez’s work at Unseen Heroes has given him the opportunity to bring his passions to Sacramento and to expand the views of others to how much the city can offer.
Gather in Oak Park has become one of Unseen Heroes biggest events. It is a community event inspired by warm California nights. Gather occurs every second Thursday of the month from June to October and just completed its second year. It’s an opportunity for local residents to meet their neighbors in a setting that incorporates farm-to-fork restaurants, local creators and designers, and craft beer in a family-friendly setting.
“Josh has always seen beyond what’s right in front of him,” says Connor Adam, Sanchez’s longtime best friend and current roommate. “He has introduced me to lots of great local music and art from the community that I otherwise may not have ever known about.”
A few weeks ago, Sanchez brought home what seemed to be a beat-up old suitcase. Except it wasn’t just a suitcase. It was refitted with speakers and power to have the ability to plug in an iPhone and play music. It was made by one of Sanchez’s clients, Dominic Odbert of Boom-Case. Odbert wanted Sanchez to bring it home and test it. The sound was fantastic and the look was very in style with the lo- cal scene. Sanchez was then able to spread the word of this new product and create a buzz for a local business.
Recently, Sanchez and his good friend, Jeanetti Alvarez, were invited to a staged Halloween dinner for a potential new restaurant.
“It was one of the most unique and incredible experiences,” gushed Alvarez. “It wasn’t just watching a show over dinner, we were in the middle of the show. It was going on about us and we were interacting with the actors and staff and completely engaged.”
Sanchez was one of a few invited to the exclusive dinner presented by local chef Derek Alvarez. The dinner presentation received rave reviews and is now moving toward its grand opening early next year.
As Sacramento grows, people like Sanchez are showing what the “little guys” have to offer — and giving such people the opportunity to shine.
Editor’s Note: This story was written by guest writer Neill Little (nlittle03@gmail.com).