Express Opinion: Opposing Views
As I read today’s issue of the Express, I discovered information that I found to be misleading. In the article, “Blow it out your butt,” it states, “Recently, political science professor Paul Frank began floating a proposal around campus to representative groups like ASG and faculty members to prohibit smoking on campus.” Not only does this statement leave out at least one crucial constituency group-the classified staff- it leads the readers to believe that this was done this year when in fact Paul Frank submitted a Campus wide Issue Form to Executive Council about two years ago. The article also states that, “In response to the proposal the ASG and the Campus Safety Committee are working toward better enforcement of the existing campus policy….” ASG has not released a statement of this caliber and I feel as though we have been misrepresented by this statement. Some students do sit on the Campus Safety Committee and as such are involved in these discussions, but ASG has not taken an official stand. As the president and spokesperson for ASG, I ask that you check your facts prior to publishing. I understand that this is an opinion piece and I am not in any way shape or form trying to stop the Express from saying what they want, I just feel as though statements such as these will lead all those on campus to think that ASG has taken positions, when we haven’t.
Thank you for your time and understanding. I hope that we can work together in the future.
La Toya B. Daniels
Associated Student Government