Photo Illustration by Patrick Simmons

Photo Illustration by Patrick Simmons
Traffic etiquette goes a long way
Patrick Simmons | Staff Writer
[email protected]
California law states, “You must stop for pedestrians who have entered a crosswalk. Pedestrians have the right of way at uncontrolled pedestrian crosswalks (i.e. those without traffic lights).”
So I’m wondering, is there some hidden clause that negates this law if a student driving onto campus is late for class?
That is how it seems walking from the parking garage to the main campus at City College – it is dangerous business. You never know when a driver is going to blow through the crosswalk while you’re in it. It seems the right-ofway laws are nonexistent on campus. I can’t count how many times that I’ve almost been hit walking across the crosswalk.
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As much as it sucks for pedestrians, it sucks for drivers too. Waiting at the crosswalk, it seems the sea of pedestrians is never ending. Right when the crosswalk looks like it’s going to clear, one more straggler comes running up, and then many more follow.
The parking garage isn’t any better – cars pull around the corners without looking both ways. Cars back out really fast without regard for other cars or pedestrians and speed through the garage. I’ve barely avoided several accidents and nearly hit a pedestrian or two myself.
So what can be done about this? The only solutions I can come up with are crossing guards or signal lights, but that seems excessive for a group of adults who should know better. Crossing guards are to protect elementary school children, and traffic signals on a college campus are just overkill.
If we all learned to be a little more courteous, things would be a lot better.
When you see the clock on the dashboard hit 9:25 a.m., and your class starts at 9:30 a.m., chances are you’re going to be late no matter how fast you drive or how many pedestrians you cut past in the crosswalk. When you’re about to cross the street as a pedestrian and you see cars that have been sitting there for awhile waiting to cross, every once in awhile, let a few cars pass before crossing.
If we all did this, I’m sure mornings on the City College campus would go much smoother.