Meet the fall 2017 lineup — these are the students running the college newspaper this semester.

By Margo Alexander | Staff Writer | [email protected]
Maxfield Morris was recently named editor-in-chief at the campus newspaper. The Sacramento native did his first college stint at Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo, and when he returned home, he enrolled in a City College journalism class.
“Something struck a chord,” says the 22-year-old, who is now pursuing a degree in journalism.
Last semester, Morris and teammate Vanessa Nelson won first place in an on-the-spot writing and photography contest at the Journalism Association of Community Colleges annual state convention.
Morris says he likes all kinds of writing and is currently working on several personal blogs.

By Maxfield Morris | [email protected]
Jason Pierce, 38, spent 16 years and about 1 million miles as a truck driver before he realized he needed a change. He went back to school for photography and discovered a passion for photojournalism. Pierce is photo editor for the campus newspaper this semester.
After photographing rallies during the 2016 presidential primary, Pierce witnessed something that solidified his interest in social justice.
“I went to Standing Rock, and I knew it was what I wanted to do,” Pierce says. Since then, he has gone to any political rally he can make it to, including Black Lives Matters and ANSWER Coalition rallies.
Pierce feels it’s his duty to amplify the voices of people trying to enact change, especially on issues of social justice, politics and the environment.

By Maxfield Morris | [email protected]
When Ellyssa Rodriguez isn’t busy keeping the Express running as its managing editor this fall, working at Meet & Eat or attending classes, she may be found singing her heart out.
“I am obsessed with karaoke,” the 27-year-old Bay Area native says, “and I have a guilty pleasure for musical songs.”
Her greatest accomplishment, she says, was completing her associate degree in communication studies in December 2016 and transferring to Sacramento State, while taking care of herself and her sister.
After completing her education, Rodriguez hopes to pursue a career in journalism or public relations.
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By Megan Swinney | Staff Writer | [email protected]
Former cross-country hitchhiker, street performer and current City College student Heather Roegiers has a colorful and exciting past.
The 28-year-old news editor has more to her than just a current love for poetry, bike riding and snowboarding. She has traveled the United States, playing it by ear as she drank in the different cultures. Journalism became an interest for her after she decided to start reporting.
“They say you should write what you read,” she says, “and I read a lot of news, so I figured I should try writing it.”
Roegiers now lives in Folsom, but has spent time extensively in San Francisco, Berkeley and Santa Cruz.

By Veronica DeAngelo | Staff Writer | [email protected]
Meet Casandra Garcia, the features editor. With a passion for cars, she lives life in the fast lane.
The Sacramento native graduated from West Campus High School in 2015. Most days you can find her attending classes and studying hard.
“I had no idea what I wanted to do at first,” she says. “Coming here made me find myself.”
Garcia became a journalism major after she discovered automotive journalism. Two semesters ago, she joined the Express.
She enjoys reading about the newest automobile releases, drawing, painting and finding stories.
Garcia hopes to transfer to a CSU after earning an AA degree in journalism.

By Collin Houck | Staff Writer | [email protected]
In high school, Nick Pecoraro played high school baseball and basketball — he wasn’t done with sports yet, though. For the past seven years, he has written for the Folsom Telegraph, and is now pursuing a journalism major at City College.
The 35-year-old Modesto native has lived in Sacramento for the past 14 years, and is focused on his career and his family. In his spare time he enjoys playing guitar, chess and taking care of his family.
Pecoraro says he enjoys most sports, but his favorite sport to cover is football. He’s excited about being sports editor for the Express this semester.