Cameron Richtik | Assistant Editor | cameronrichtikexpress@gmail.com
Greetings Sacramento City College Family,
I am proud to be your President today, here at Sacramento City College. I know that many of you exercised your constitutional right and privilege to vote in yesterday’s presidential election – some, for the very first time. Congratulations and thank you.
Now that the votes have been counted and winners chosen, I also know that many of you are surprised, and even disheartened, by the results because they did not turn out the way you thought or expected they might. Many students on both sides of the political landscape have expressed fear, anger, mistrust and grief over this entire election process, and now its results. Believe me, we understand the emotions you may be experiencing at this time, and we are here to help you.
Our counseling department is filled with dedicated professionals whom you may speak with about your concerns, conflicts, and confusion. You may even desire to spend some time with SCC’s therapy dog, Sadie, in the Health Office at the back of the Counseling Center. The Cultural Awareness Center which is located in the Student Center in room 106 will be open for you to share your concerns and to vent the emotions you may be experiencing. Please do not let the end of this election cycle and/or the results of yesterday’s vote discourage you from completing your studies to the best of your ability.
Finally, while I completely understand the reactions that are accompanying the end of this election season, I also hope you will remember that higher education in general, and Sacramento City College in particular, has always played an important role in building and establishing our civil democracy. We expect, and even welcome, difficult discussions and conversations in our classrooms and throughout the campus. However, we also expect them to remain as civil as they have in the days, weeks and months leading up to yesterday’s election.
Let’s all finish the semester with a strong sense of purpose!
Michael Poindexter