Finals, as a typical college student may know, are defined by as, “the last, usually comprehensive, examination in a course of study.”But why restrict finals at City College with
the words like “last” or “examination”?
Look around campus during the next week and notice that it’s more like a college cultural phenomenon.
Small groups begin to cluster together at every corner, collectively gathering knowledge.
Coffee begins to gain some new fans. Finals are an amazing and necessary thing for students to go through semester in and semester out. Now is the time to review what’s been
learned and not learned, not only in the classroom, but also in how the semester was lived and know that nothing is final. Students are here to learn, and the vision of finals is that of students
who are doing it right.
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Facebook. As students in a community college, most of us are hardly reaching the end of anything, because the next step will always be a new learning experience.
Whether you are transferring to a four-year university, using vocational skills gained for a job, or continuing education at City College in the spring, it’s
not over. Students who don’t think they have done their best on exams will have a chance to redeem themselves for the next course. Those who didn’t even try and failed can try the same
class again.
There are so many things that can go wrong before final examinations, but with all the resources available to students, there is no reason to not do better or figure out what mistakes were made.With each end of a semester, a student endures. They have an opportunity to become better and make improvements upon themselves. So why make it final?
Take education and life experiences cumulatively and realize what you need to do to make things right, realize what mistakes you’ve learned from.
Get to studying, City College.
See you in spring.