The recently completed Performing Arts Center has received a lot of attention. This fall some of the spotlight will not only be on the stage, but also the hallways surrounding the auditorium. Art students at City College have the opportunity to display their art along the walls of the PAC building. The different art being showcased in the hallways varies from ceramics, charcoal,
pastels and even wood works.
“Teachers asked their students if they wanted to leave some of their work to be displayed over the summer, unfortunately the cases did not arrive until a week before school started,” says Jennifer Griffin, Instructional Assistant for the art department.
The art inside the display cases is constantly replaced with different art. This way other students have the opportunity to get to show their work, says Griffin. The art is rotated approximately every two weeks.
“Students really like to see their work hanging up, and professors love to show off their students work and feel proud to have students’ work up there,” Griffin says.
Aside from having their work displayed, student artists also have the opportunity to sell some of their work.
“Students sometimes sell their work, when people inquire about who the artist of a certain piece is. Then they buy the piece from the student,” says Chris Iwata, dean of Arts and Humanities. “I can’t say that it happens often, but it does happen.”
The art display cases are located in empty parts of the hallways and fit in the spaces between classroom doors, a sure way to make a room with bright white light more interesting.
“A lot of the professors say they love walking through the halls and seeing what students are
doing,” says Griffin.
For more on City College’s Art Department, go to