Editor’s note: ASG announced Friday April 23 Renee Worley had won the ASG presidency after all student ballots had been counted.
Associated Student Government candidates made their rounds on campus promoting themselves, ASG and the necessity for students to get more involved with the electoral process, while also taking swipes at each other’s campaigns during City College’s fall semester ASG elections April 20 and 21.
Among the more visible candidates on campus, current ASG President Debby Dixon made her desire to hold office for one more term known on the Quad via bullhorn. Dixon’s message: ”Vote with your head, not your stomach,” a dig at her sole rival, Renee Worley, who was offering free pizza to students who had voted.
“My opponent is trying to buy the election,” Dixon said. “In truth, she’s our current secretary and doesn’t do her job now, and so I’m not quite sure how she thinks she’ll accomplish being president.”
The ASG presidential office is the only competitive race in the election, as all other candidates are running unopposed for all other positions.
Despite running unopposed for the vice president’s position, current Vice President Justin Turner is running as part of Dixon’s ticket.
“I just want the students to be represented realistically and fairly instead of by empty promises,” Turner said, alluding to Worley’s platform and campaign promise to foster a more eco-friendly campus. “Yes, I did team up with Debby Dixon for that reason, because I have worked with her in this past year and she’s been phenomenal.”
Worley disagreed with Dixon’s and Turner’s characterization of her and her campaign.

“She’s [Dixon] spending a lot of her time trying to put me down, trying to say ‘Oh, Worley isn’t qualified,’ where I think she should be focused on herself if she’s confident enough with her qualifications,” Worley said. “I’ve only been on the board for one year and I’m already secretary for ASG. I think that’s pretty impressive based on the fact that I graduated from highs school last year.”
Worley said if she is elected, she will open a public forum once a month for City College students to talk directly with the ASG. She also said she wants to implement more green policies. She plans to spend less time lobbying the state and more time trying to change the campus locally.
Despite the rancor involved for the top position in the ASG election, Dixon, Turner and Worley all agreed that it is important for students to out to vote.
“Whoever you vote for, that’s your right, but just make sure you’re involved in the process. That way we can get more involved with the students and find out what they really want,” Turner said. “We’re here for you guys.”