A JUMP bike parked outside of the Performing Arts Center. Megan Horn | Staff Photographer | mhorn.express@gmail.com
JUMP bikes offer students discount; Solar-assisted bikes give a “boost” to students’ ride, budget
It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s a… bike?
According to jump.com, JUMP Bike is a dockless electric bicycle sharing system operating in the United States and Germany. Sacramento partnered with JUMP to launch the first phase of a bike share program this past May which saw hundreds of electric-assist bikes distributed across the cities of Sacramento, West Sacramento and Davis.
“Originally the cities of Sacramento, West Sacramento, and Davis partnered with Social Bicycles, or SoBi, to bring a docked bikeshare system to our region. As the technology changed, so did the main companies delivering the technology. SoBi turned into JUMP and instead of heavy manual bikes, we have a fleet of fun-to-ride electric-assist bikes that are fast, convenient, and reliable.” Vice Mayor Steve Hansen explained through email on October 31.
The Sacramento area council of governments website states that there will be 900 of these electric-assist bikes distributed through the Sacramento region by years end.
“Our long-term goals are ridership and the reduction of vehicle miles travelled. Studies show that the more people we get riding bikes, the safer our roads get for everyone. The JUMP system has already been ridden a half a million miles in the system.” said Hansen via email.
A pay as you go option for JUMP bikes cost $1 for the first 15 minutes and then 7 cents every additional minute; a total of $4.15 for one hour, according to jump.com, a monthly plan costs $30 and you can use a bike for 60 minutes daily; use after the first hour is 7 cents a minute.
Not all can justify spending $4 per hour to bike ride, but JUMP offers discounts to qualifying individuals.
“They offer a student rate which is about $30 a year for an hour a day of ride time. You can use your Los Rios gmail account to sign up, thats how it identifies you as a student.” said City College’s public information officer Kaitlyn MacGregor.
The student plan is available to anyone currently enrolled in a college or university located within the Sacramento Region (University of California, Davis, California State University, Sacramento, Los Rios Community College District) according to the JUMP website.
JUMP has a “Boost Plan” that is $5 for the first year, offering 60 minutes of ride time per day for qualified residents. Cost after the first hour is 7 cents per minute. The JUMP boost plan is available to anyone currently enrolled in one of the following programs: SMUD, WIC, SHRA, PG&E Care or Cal Fresh. Details on how to enroll can be found on JUMP’s website.
Apart from the financial discount students receive by using JUMP, the option to take a bike could potentially save students time.
“I like it, I can get home from school quicker instead of walking.” said City College student Myanna Ford.
With the installation of a JUMP bike charging station next to the RT light rail on campus this past September, a plethora of bikes have been seen on and near school grounds, which means that students are utilizing this resource.
“I’ve seen them all over campus. I’ve seen them in the parking lots, I’ve seen them parked next to the parking meters. They leave them all over, that’s the thing,” says Los Rios police officer Jay Lampano. “I don’t know what the rules are and what Sacramento’s parameters are in allowing for these things to be parked anywhere but it can be bothersome for some areas.”
While the accessibility of JUMP bikes could be a benefit to many, their presence may be a hindrance to others.
“Sometimes they put it on the ramps and the ramps are being used by our ADA students. I see a lot of them though, maybe it’s an effort to keep Sacramento green, which is a good intention, but at the same time I think they should have rolled out with better provisions on where to put them so it doesn’t interfere with public safety.” said Lampano.
JUMP has rolled out a plan to incentivize users to dock the bikes in approved locations, while also ensuring the bike batteries stay charged.
“I think the goal with the charging station is that this would be a location that would always have bikes. I believe that they’re looking for ways to incentivize users to dock the bikes at the charging station when they’re starting to get low.” said MacGregor.
In an interview with Jason Calacanis on May 15, 2018, Ryan Rzepecki, founder and CEO of JUMP bike explains that you can receive credit for bringing low battery bikes to certain locations. According to Rzepecki, a $2 credit will be applied to your account for taking low battery bikes to a charging location.
“It makes me feel happy, free and makes me love where I live! It makes me feel green from not using gas.” said City College student Austin DeHerrera.