City College’s cosmetology department wrapped up its Food For Beauty canned food drive for February, giving complimentary manicures and haircuts with the donation of a non-perishable item, including canned and boxed foods, or hygiene products.
The department has two more Food for Beauty weeks planned with students offering their services to the campus community and the public Wednesday–Friday, March 14–18 and April 19–22 from 7:45 a.m.–1:30 p.m.
“By having the canned food drive, people [are more likely] to come in and get services that they would normally have to pay for,” said Marcia Bonawitz, department chair of cosmetology and manicure professor. “But since it’s free, they’re more apt to get practiced on.”
Donations benefit the college’s CalWorks program and will be distributed to City College students in need, according to Bonawitz, who also supervises the students performing the services.
“In order for the manicuring students to develop their techniques, they have to practice,” said Bonawitz.
Cosmetology student Ayida Bekele, who does manicures, said she appreciates the practice and experience because she loves to interact with people and make others happy.
“I think it’s very fun. I meet lots of new people,” said Bekele. “Every time
I learn, it’s a great day for me, to know what I can do and grow as a professional.”
Bekele said she only had a few manicure appointments before the February Food for Beauty drive.
“I was a little nervous with my first client,” Bekele said, “but then I thought to myself, I can do it.”
The Food for Beauty services are performed in the cosmetology building located on the corner of 12th Avenue and Freeport Boulevard.
Appointments for haircuts and manicures can be scheduled for anyone over the age of 6 by calling the cosmetology department at (916) 558-2595 for haircuts and (916) 650-2958 for manicures.