With the ongoing budget crisis, many classes have been cut, and many more are likely to be cut in the near future. That’s a problem in itself, but students are hit twice as hard by the budget crisis when classes necessary for transfer are cut from the schedule, too.
I understand why the administration involved in cutting classes left most of the core classes untouched. These classes are the most vital part of every student’s career path, but in order for a student to successfully transfer to a four-year university, there is a sequence of classes that he or she must complete.
There have been major financial cuts on all community colleges around the state. The burning question that torments me is, is it really necessary to cut classes if City College decides that they are not “essential”?
Shouldn’t our government be working towards helping our schools and not worrying about which streets need repairing? Are fixing roads, highways and bridges more important than our education?
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School faculty and administration can only do so much for their students and although protesting might shine the light a little brighter on an already critical topic, bottom line is that I see no improvement in any of this.
It is all one big giant mess and I would like to know when all this disorder began? And why is it that every fiscal year we hear the same speech all over again but all we see are more cuts?
There are more questions than answers and it’s disappointing that our education and the opportunities we should have seem to be dying off.