With the semester quickly winding down, City College students prepare for several important deadlines.
April 6 marks the last day to enroll for second eight-week classes. April 18 is the last day to drop classes with a “W” grade for full semester classes, and April 21 is the last day to enroll for third five-week classes.
Admissions Services supervisor Kim Goff said not all school-wide deadlines are published in the usual places.
“Now that we no longer print the schedule,” Goff said. “We’ve created a number of printed and electronic items with important dates: a registration guide, the Student Guide, numerous flyers, and the digital signage on campus has an ‘important dates’ slide.”
Students can stay ahead of these deadlines using services like the online calendar, the financial aid department, counselors, and e-Services.
Some students like cosmetology and business major Tamisha Avery said they are able to stay informed through their instructors.
“I have one class with a counselor,” Avery said. “She explains all that for me.”
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“Dropping classes so you won’t have that ‘W’ mark on your transcript is important to me,” Avery said.
Like many other students, Avery uses e-Services to stay ahead of her deadlines.
Chemistry major Jessica Pablo said that information about enrollment and holiday dates when school is not in session start and end have been mostly accurate.
Dental major Nejat Hussein said, however, that information on when classes are open for enrollment hasn’t always been accurate for her.
“Financial aid keeps me informed, or I just look it up on e-Services,” Hussein said. “But sometimes when I enroll on the first day, the class has already filled up.”
Many students, however, admitted that they didn’t keep up with deadlines and simply didn’t check the information on the site because they didn’t feel they needed to know any of them.
With the final examination period beginning May 13 and running through May 19, which also marks the last day of the semester and graduation, students should take note and plan accordingly.