Club Day will be hosted by the Student Leadership and Development in the main quad Sept. 22.
Club Day is a chance for students to preview currently chartered clubs and become connected with the campus community.
Latrice Cole, student personnel assistant at the Student Leadership and Development said community events like this are important.
“[Club Day] gives the students a way to see how many clubs are on campus,” Cole said. “It’s a great way for the clubs to reach out and fundraise.”
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Diego Gutierrez, student assistant at the Leadership and Development, said various clubs will be in attendance during the event.
Puente, Games Club, Dance and Cheer Team and the Business Club are just some that will be present.
Students can also learn how to organize and start a club by contacting the Student Leadership and Development Office. Applications are available in South Gym 226.
Club Day in the main quad will be from 10 a.m to 2 p.m.. For more information visit http://www.scc.losrios.edu/sld/ or call 916-558-2381.