Panther cheerleaders and members of City College’s hip-hop team kicked off the theme of Welcome Day Thursday, Sept. 9, by leading the afternoon crowd into the electric slide.
The Black Eyed Peas song “I’ve got a feeling” blared in the background as students, faculty and staff performed the line dance. They came together as a “flash mob” in which a crowd dances in unison at a given time and disperses quickly.
Interim Student Affairs Specialist Chris Torres, who helped organize Welcome Day, has one goal in mind and it is “to get everybody to learn to move together at once as one.”
But a City College student who was at the scene was less enthusiastic. “It was just people dancing,” said City College student Viliy Boutviseth.
From afar, it may look like just dancing, but there was a symbolic message behind the electric slide.
The flash mob operated as a metaphor for the campaign Slide into Civility. Michael Poindexter, vice president of student services, spearheaded this campaign in collaboration with the Associated Student Government.
At an open workshop prior to Welcome Day, Poindexter explained at a forum for students, faculty and staff in the Cultural Awareness Center that this campaign promotes City College’s Student Standard of Conduct as a model of behavior inside and outside the classroom.
City College students and faculty members expressed the flash mob behavior as a disruption to learning time.
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“It destroys the whole learning process,” said City College student Joseph Doyel of the impolite behavior he has encountered in classrooms.“We should try to influence people to be more polite to each other. It’s a beautiful way of showing a sense of community.”
Organizers of the campaign, like Doyel, hope to promote a culture of respect among students, faculty and staff.
Robert Crawford, a faculty member who was conducting a class during the Civility rally does not agree with it as well.
“I’m not sure a flash mob is going to do it,” Crawford said. “Mob doesn’t sound like a good thing to me.”
However, he is among many looking forward to hopefully seeing more civility on campus and “less cursing and less rude behavior.”
“There will be a change. Poindexter said. “I’m not being Pollyanna about this at all. If we’re all doing it, it’s going to be a trickledown effect.”
Although there has been a negative outlook about flash mob on campus, it has become a world-wide phenomenon first made popular from “The Oprah Winfrey Show.” Flash mob has even coined the title “The T-Mobile Dance.”
Welcome Day: Greetings with civility! from Express Multimedia on Vimeo.