Los Angeles’ Fishtank Ensemble kicked off a run of California dates on May 12 to support the group’s third studio album, “Woman in Sin.”
Frontwoman Ursula Knudson is a native Sacramentan and is eager to perform with her band at Sacramento’s Firehouse 5 dance studio on May 18.
“We did the Sacramento World Music & Dance festival for two years but up until now, we haven’t found a venue to play,” Knudson said. “There are venues, but they’re mostly for rock. I know, like any town, there’s a decent-sized contingency of people in Sacramento that love world music.”
Knudson said she feels that spaces such as the Firesouse 5 can be the catalyst for a new kind of music scene.
Bands such as Cake helped give Sacramento the reputation of being “the next Seattle,” and Knudson was there to witness it first hand.
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Fishtank’s sound, which has been described as cross-pollinated gypsy music, has its feet deeply rooted in world and folk music. Their new album’s eponymous track, “Woman in Sin,” sets things off with a blisteringly fast tempo, bass lines that would melt the face off of John Entwistle (Google him) and Knudson’s fantastic, nearly inhuman vocal range.
Knudson reflected on the recording process of her band’s latest effort. Despite a mastering mix-up, the experience was a positive one.
“Seeing the whole process through the last six months, from the first musical ideas to then executing them,” Knudson said. “Everything came out perfect.”
You can catch Fishtank on their C.D. release tour this Tuesday, May 18, in the Firehouse 5 at 2014 B 9th St. The show starts at 7:00 P.M.
To listen to music from the band, check out their website at www.fishtankensemble.com.