Yoga instructor Marisa Avendano guides students in a City College yoga class by creating a dark relaxing environment with soft music and dimmed lighting. At the same time, she modifies challenging poses, according to the student’s athletic level, shape, and size.
Although yoga can appear to be only stretching while on a mat, the principle of the class is to connect mind and body. Students get a workout while listening to soft music, in a well-coordinated flow of stress relieving poses.
City College offers basic yoga classes in a complete fitness program to improve physical coordination, posture and flexibility. Avendano says students enroll in the class for different reasons.
“Many students take the class for stress and back pain,” Avendano says. “Students get a workout while keeping the poses and focusing on the moment, which is the hardest thing for beginning students. But after class, students tell me they feel relaxed and loose.”
Markeida Reddrick, an American Sign Language major, enrolled in the yoga class to keep occupied.
“I didn’t just want to sit around while pregnant. I wanted to do some type of exercise,” Reddrick, who is seven and a half months pregnant, says. “So I joined the yoga class to stay fit and help relax me during labor.”
There are 50 students that fill the large-sized gym to begin the slow dance-like movements, which many find physically and mentally challenging.
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Mary Reardon, a yoga student and English major, who has taken the class twice, says yoga helps her get through her busy schedule.
“After two morning classes I am stressed. This class helps relax me and clears my mind to help me focus for my afternoon classes,” Reardon says. “Afternoon yoga class is the best time for me.”
Another yoga student, Jessica Hodge, an environmental science major, feels she gets more out of the class than a traditional exercise regimen.
“It makes me feel really, really good. Better than a regular workout,” Hodge says. “The class helps me focus and clear my mind during classes.
While it is impossible to list all the possible yoga positions available there are many poses widely practiced in a tranquil, stress-free session of yoga.
One of the positions practiced is called the dhanurasana or “bow tie” position. The person lies on their abdomen, grasps the feet over the back, and lifts the legs into the shape of a bow.
Another is the paschimottanasana, when the practitioner sits on the floor with legs flat on the floor, straight ahead then bends forward from the hips to bring the trunk parallel with the legs.
Like any other athletic or fitness regime, there should be some form of guidance and supervision from a qualified person.