Ellyssa Rodriguez
Staff Writer
The new president took office a little over a month ago and has quickly got the ball rolling on changes that will affect Americans. Controversial executive orders have been passed, that were met with anger, demonstrated by ongoing protests happening worldwide.
Among the new threats are major changes in the healthcare system. Trump has swiftly pulled the rug out from under the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, without any signs of a new plan to take its place.
For City College students covered by Obamacare, this is a cause for concern. Many students simply don’t have the money to pay for costs if their insurance is lost, and many aren’t covered under their parents’ insurance anymore.
For one student, like many on campus, that is certainly the case.
“I’ve paid one dollar a month for insurance for the last three years,” said City College student James Garner, who is quick to praise Obamacare and to voice his concerns about the unknown changes. “It really is super affordable, especially on a student’s income. Without my insurance, a trip to the E.R. would be thousands of dollars that I don’t have. Urgent care is just as expensive, and you might not even be seen if it’s too busy.”
Since the ACA took effect in 2010, its popularity and approval rate have risen. Millions of Americans are currently covered by Obamacare. The Centers for Medicare & Medicare Services website calculated that 12 million people were covered by Obamacare in 2016 alone. Many people who rely on having affordable health care fear hikes in premiums, co-payments and prescription costs. For millions of Americans, they may face the fate of losing coverage altogether.
Another huge blow that will affect millions of people, including many City College students, is the possibility of Planned Parenthood losing its federal funding. As promised during his campaign, Trump signed an executive order to defund the organization on Jan. 24 after he took office.
“As far as Planned Parenthood is concerned, I’m pro-life,” he said on February 2016 during a GOP debate in Houston. “I would defund it because of the abortion factor.”
Planned Parenthood has provided people, regardless of whether or not they are covered by insurance, with affordable reproductive services, such as birth control, and STD screenings, for decades. Although the organization receives donations from companies and individuals, federal funding is its biggest contributor annually. Losing funding may force many Planned Parenthood locations to shut down, leaving people who are in need of these services with nowhere to turn.
This has caused outrage nationwide. Many protests were demonstrated across the country Feb. 11, as well as counter-protests that were in favor of defunding. Hundreds of protesters gathered against defunding at the Sacramento midtown Planned Parenthood location on B and 29th streets.
Among the many City College students who would hate to see Planned Parenthood lose its funding is Alexandra Ramirez.
“Personally, I feel like the new plan to defund the organization is extremely irresponsible, and can absolutely be considered an attack of women’s reproductive rights, as well as the public’s rights to receive health care,” says Ramirez who is clearly passionate about the issue, her furrowed brow and strong hand gestures drive home her stance on the issue.
“The decision is based off of extremely biased opinions of very right leaning conservatives, and is forcing those views on to the lives of so many people,” she says. “Reproductive care services are just a few of many extremely helpful services they offer, and taking away these services will have a drastic affect on many communities.”
For any students who are looking for discounts of services or help with other health issues, Health Services on campus has nurses on staff, as well as pamphlets on community health care resources that are available.
Health Services is located in Rodda Hall-North in the back of the Counseling Center. These resources can also be found on their website under community resources tab at https://www.scc.losrios.edu/healthservices/