Though the role of Student Senate president is still awaiting a candidate, results for other positions in the City College student election came in April 14 after 252 votes were cast, according to Student Leadership and Development Coordinator Kim Beyrer.
Online voting was held through eServices April 12-13, and the majority of next year’s governing board was elected. Five positions on the Clubs and Events Board were filled. Moises Ramirez was chosen as president, while Leo Melton was voted in as vice president. Meanwhile, Ashley Michelle Rowe was selected as secretary of public relations, Zachary Silvia as secretary of technology, and Georgia Sherman as project coordinator.
Multiple students have also been elected onto the Student Senate, including five Senators: Keanna Laforga, Emily Lai, Julianne Maninang, Gerardo Mendoza and Huinan Pang. Other elected Student Senate members include Alan Neftali Hernandez Ramirez as secretary of technology, Melody Jimenez as secretary of legislative affairs, Joshua Feagin as treasurer, and Raymond Concha as vice president.
Marianna Sousa was elected as Los Rios student trustee after running uncontested, according to Melisa Lasell, current secretary of public relations.
Even an attempt to encourage participation in the student elections with a April 12 barbecue, however, didn’t yield interest in a Student Senate presidential candidate. Free hot dogs and soda were distributed and music was played in front of the Student Center at the Associated Student Organization event.
The event aimed to help students learn not only about the candidates running in the student election, but also to ensure students stay informed on current issues, Lasell said.
The Student Senate is still looking for a qualified candidate. Applicants must be taking at least 5 units and maintain a GPA of 2.0 or higher. Those interested in the position are asked to attend the next Student Senate meeting April 20 from noon-1 p.m in the Student Center.
Beyrer said the Student Senate will appoint one of the nominees for president until the 2016-2017 board makes a final decision.
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Concha said that, as vice president, he wants to “help and represent” students at both the City College main campus and its outreach centers.
“I want to create more events that students can participate in and feel engaged with their school, Concha said. “I’m currently trying to create a system in which the outreach centers will have more say into our student council and at their respective outreach centers.”
Lasell said her position will be filled in the fall. Lasell said she will teach anyone interested in the position more about what it entails.
“California is one of the few states in the nation where the community colleges have not only the ability but the right to participate in the governing of their schools,” said Lasell.
All other open positions will also be filled during the fall semester.
Sousa will begin service June 1, according to Lasell, while other newly elected student officials will begin July 1.
For more information, contact Kim Beyrer at (916) 558-2607.
Additional reporting by Paris Chavez.