Thanks to the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act of 2009, the Los Rios Community College District recently received $10 million to assist in job training, and City College programs — such as bookkeeping and nursing among others — stand to benefit.
Some of the City College programs that are receiving $239, 000 in federal stimulus grants include bookkeeping training and the City College Help Desk, which offers assistance for the college’s information technology. The building commissioning and nursing programs will also receive support from the stimulus funds. “As a nursing student, I hope that the money will benefit me and other students like me to expand existing programs,” said Kendra Scott, a City College student. “Expanding the programs by providing more teachers to create greater admission and less waiting time.”
According to Valerie Carrigan, the director for the Los Rios workplace center and the ARRA grant coordinator, LRCCD campuses will receive portions of the grant and partner with the Sacramento Employment Training Agency, or SETA, to provide training for workers who are seeking new jobs. These funds will improve the classes needed to prepare for the job market. Not only will these funds benefit the classes, but they will also help and benefit dislocated or low-income workers build their skills for employment within a year.
“The purpose of these federal stimulus funds is to provide an education to laid off, unemployed, underemployed individuals that will upgrade their skills and give them the certifications they need for full-time employment,” Carrigan said. “The funding requirement is that they finish their education and be ready for employment within one year.”
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“Stimulus funds for community colleges have been targeted at two industries thus far — green energy technologies and healthcare,” said Kirschenmann. “These are the industries in which we have received funds for training programs to date.”
Courses such as the weatherization program at Cosumnes River College instruct student to use energy-efficient tools for residential homes and will receive $50,798. There is also healthcare training at American River College, with the healthcare interpretation program and the phlebotomy program, which teach students how to draw blood. The goal of the ARRA is to save and create as many jobs as possible. It aims to help workers whose jobs have been affected by the economic downfall and to create advances for health and technology to promote economic efficiency.
Despite the funds, the hope of an improved economy lies with prospective employers.
“We can provide the skills to job seekers, but of course only employers can hire them,” said Kirschenmann. “I can say with certainty that we will be able to prepare people with much better job skills with these funds than we could have done without them.”