City College students can expect new classes and extra help transferring to UC Davis at the Davis Center this year, according to Dean Don Palm.
To make it easier to achieve lab science credits necessary for transferring, plans exist to build a second building across from the current Davis Center. This would allow students to take all their prerequisite courses in Davis, mirroring the Pathways program for Sacramento State hopefuls at the main campus.
“We’ll probably break ground in the summer of 2016, so we’ll actually have classes available here for the spring of 2018,” Palm said.
In the meantime, two new classes currently unavailable at the Main Campus are being offered at the Davis Center. They are psychopharmacology and California geology.
The former is being taught by Professor Alan Keys. Psychopharmacology is “a field that looks at how drugs affect behavior, cognition, emotion in terms of the nervous system,” according to Keys. “Psychopharmacology is an elective, so we wanted to expand the variety of electives out here,” Keys said. “In general, it’s inherently interesting and applicable to so many important issues in society.”
Keys has taught other psychology classes, including human sexuality and psychology of minorities, although only the former is currently offered at the City College Davis Center.
Biological psychology, meanwhile, is offered in both Sacramento and Davis. General principles of psychology, social psychology, and human development are similar options at the Davis Center this semester.
California geology is a physical science course taught by Professor Dan Wynne. He currently teaches it at the main campus, but said that by request of Don Palm the course will be offered in Davis this spring.
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“For the first month, I try to cram all the basics of earth science in,” Wynne said. “After the first eight lectures, we switch over to the geology of the state.”
Wynne added that a field trip is a major part of the grade. In addition to allowing students to “spend all day getting out and looking at rocks,” Wynne said the class is transferable to just about any university and will be accessible for geology enthusiasts and newcomers alike.
“I can’t teach specifically for the majors. That’d be inappropriate,” Wynne said. “I try to minimize jargon, use metaphors and customize each class for the audience.”
Both courses should help students living closer to Davis who are looking for science credits, according to Palm, who added that the courses are part of the Pathways program being fully implemented at the Davis Center.
Though Palm said there is still work to be done, he added that “on a regular basis we’re transferring students to UC Davis,” and called the Davis Center a “stepping stone” for those wanting to get acquainted with the university.
“I encourage students to plan on taking at least their Monday-Wednesday classes here, and taking classes on the main campus on alternate days,” Palm said, suggesting that students take classes both in Davis and Sacramento. “There’s a free bus that goes by here into the UC Davis campus, and you can use the Shields Library.”
Palm also said that “students, like on the main campus, can start a club here.” City College students may also join UC Davis intramural sports.
For more information on classes, services, and activities at the SCC Davis center, visit www.scc.losrios.edu/daviscenter/ or call (530) 747-5200.