The Los Rios District Police Department responded to more than 70 incidents on City College campus in February and early March, according to the department’s clery crime reports.
According to district police, most calls were car-related, ranging from thefts and collisions to break-ins. A number of responses also dealt with stolen property and other miscellaneous incidents of drugs, disturbing the peace and fights.
“There’s different rushes at different times,” said Sergeant Alex Conroy, an officer stationed at City College. “One month we may have a huge car theft spree. Next month we may have a slew of locker thefts.”
Right now, crime is at an all-time low, according to Police Sergeant Jay Lampano. With City College’s location next to two parks and a light rail station, he predicts this could change due to nicer weather.
“If you see something, say something,” said Lampano of crime on campus. “I have a limited amount of officers on campus at any given time and am always trying to make you feel safe on campus.”
Crime-related incidents are only a small part of district police responsibilities on campus. Officers respond to “quality of life things mainly,” according to Conroy. “Medical assists for collapsed students and arranging medical transport are common.”
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Daily duties officers deal with include directing traffic and unlocking cars for students who get locked out of their cars. But improper parking is the largest issue on campus, according to Conroy.
“Learn to park,” said Conroy. “I am daily reminding people on how to properly park.”
Properly parking, according to Conroy, includes two things: parking between the white dividing lines and avoiding parking next to cars that have violated those lines. Another issue is parking, with consideration for others, so that people can easily enter and exit their own vehicles.
In addition to keeping order on campus, Los Rios Police Department offers a campus safety training class. While this class is typically used for training officers, anyone interested can participate in the class, said Lampano.
The class teaches general safety protocols on campus and trains students how to remain safe on a daily basis.
“Use the campus phones,” said Lampano, regarding students’ personal safety. “We provide escorts in times of need.”