The Student Center at City College is known by many students as a perfect place to hang out with friends, but it is also a place that gathers great speakers and hosts extravagant events from around the world and locally. On Valentine’s Day it was no different.
At noon on Feb. 14, several students and faculty came together for One Billion Rising-To Stop Violence Against Women and Girls, a worldwide campaign brought to the City College Student Center with the hope of making an impact on stopping violence against women.
As one of the main organizers of the campaign on campus, Sherri Patton, a City College history professor, wanted students to be aware and have knowledge of what is happening around the world when it comes to violence against women.
“What I really want to do and what I really want to emphasize is if you are going to talk about women around the world you need to understand the situation,” said Patton, prior to the event. “Not some superficial victimization kind of thing but actually understand the overall situation and don’t forget that there’s plenty of violence against women right here in Sacramento.”
During the one-hour event, attendees heard statistics about violence against women from around the world and nationwide, enjoyed a poem written by Eve Ensler, founder of V-Day: A Global Movement to End Violence Against Women and Girls, as well as the founder of the One Billion Rising campaign, and listened to a speaker from the organization W.O.R.D, Women Organized to Resist and Defend, speak about the fight for justice for women. The event ended with two videos from two women telling stories of violence.
The one billion rising campaign is an invitation of “one billion women and those who love then to walk out, dance, rise up, and demand an end to violence,” according to the campaign’s website.
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For Shelley Bodolay, a City College student majoring in cross cultural women’s history and another organizer of the campaign, this event meant “unifying people to come together to work against the violence.”
“I think one of the things that we are trying to say here on campus and anywhere [is that] as a woman you should be safe, you should have safety in your surroundings, you should be able to be safe to maneuver this world without the fear of violence,” Bodolay said.
This was the first time the campaign took place at City College and its organizers hope it will become an annual event.
For more information about this campaign visit the websites below: