The life of an Express college newspaper rack is a lonely one. It sits, waiting for someone, anyone really, to take notice and explore the contents of its simple, red, three-tiered frame. This is campus news delivered the stubborn way: on printed pulp that folds comfortably under any shoulder. It is what the rack, one of many dispersed throughout City College, seeks to deliver.
Some racks will undoubtedly find success—City College students have been spotted with Express copies tucked under burdened shoulders—but on a daily basis, most will not.
If a wide assortment of City College students are to be believed, these racks and their campuswide brothers in arms are fighting a losing battle for students’ attention.
Though the campus has had an online newspaper for years — saccityexpress.com — where content is updated daily, the tradition of providing a print newspaper remains. The paper is published and distributed every two weeks. In modern times, the print newspaper struggles to remain relevant among a population who reads online news more than any other news source.
For many, the problem lies in the contents of the Express.
“New students don’t know what to do,” says Justin Saephan, a 19-year-old with an undecided major, after browsing through a copy of the Express for the first time.
Saephan explained that while the stories interested him, those new to City College don’t have reason enough to read the student publication because it offers little guidance. Saephan says if the paper offered more information in the vein of tutoring hours and financial aid information, “[he] might check it out.”
Offering a different take on the issue of content type, political science major Michael Ruiz asked for a more diverse news feed.
“Nobody wants to read real news,” says Ruiz after learning of the paper’s existence. “[The Express staff] need[s] to throw in the good stuff,” referring to wider City College sports coverage, food reviews, and stories about students in general.
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“I imagined there was a student paper,” says Jacob Swimme, an 18-year-old business major. “But I had never seen it before.”

Swimme proposed placing Express racks in better areas, such as inside City Café’s Java City so students can read the news while they drink their coffee.
Another method of distribution, one both Saephan and Swimme suggested, is the presence of Express staff in the City College courtyard, channeling newsboys of old and physically handing out copies of the Express to passerby. Adding to this, art major Pa Thao proposed exposure promotion simply by having the paper’s staff walking around with Express copies in hand.
Whatever the method, it is extremely apparent that promotion of the Express can improve significantly.
Musical theater major Emmanuel Dominguez-Castillo cemented its self-promotion’s status as lacking when he turned to a crowded lunch table. Holding up the latest issue of the Express, one with a human heart on its cover, he asked if any of the sitting students had read it.
Their answer? Almost synchronous: “No.”
For more information about the paper or to read more articles online, go to: https://saccityexpress.com/
To contact the print editor in chief or online editor in chief of the paper with questions, concerns or suggestions email Serina Martin (print) at: [email protected] or Taylor Miles (online) at: [email protected]