Gathered together at Marie Callender’s, 10 retired City College faculty members sit around a table. It’s a weekly routine—on the first Wednesday of every month this group meets to recall memories and talk about present curiosities.
On the wall above them hangs a painting of a variety of fruits in a basket and while the painting is a still life, the professors, still full of life, discuss various topics and collected thoughts that have been on their minds.
“We reminisce about cars, science and our old school,” says Dick Pierucci, former athletic director.
Pierucci was involved in the football, baseball and wrestling programs while a faculty member at City College. Meanwhile, although Ken Lynch says he also enjoyed athletics, he taught speech and debate.
Back when the Los Rios Community College District was only composed just of City College and American River College, Lynch viewed City College as the best choice because it offered a more relaxed teaching
“[Getting to teach at City College was] one of the best dreams that can happen,” says Lynch, who worked at the college for 32 years.
Tom Adams, who retired in 1999, also loved City College. Adams taught marketing and general business, but he says when that got boring, he started to teach economics.
The more than 30 years Adams worked at City College were wonderful ones, he says, and the people he’s met along the way were even more important.
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Adams, along with his former faculty peers, says working at City College was one of the best jobs he ever had. Now, he says, he enjoys the weekly reunions.
“When I do show up, I enjoy talking about old times,” says Adams.
For some of the professors this is the only time they get the opportunity to catch up, but former English professor John Valone says he also tries to stay close to campus by swimming three days a week at the City College pool.
Valone also goes to the movies with other retired English professors twice a month and jokingly says that remembering old times helps them from getting Alzheimer’s.
“It’s nice to be around people who are still using their minds and have good spirit,” says Valone.
Reminiscing about those times is important—as is remembering how the college was important not only to them, but also to the students, says Valone.
“The students that went there were ready to change their lives,” says Valone, “[and] the teachers provided a way to better their lives.”
As time goes by, remaining close to City College becomes easy says Larry Beneke, former business professor.
“After 35 years, it does become part of you,” says Beneke.