What gadget can facilitate daily activities and also keep you from them just as equally? The iPhone. Like a Swiss army knife, the iPhone has numerous hidden capabilities. Just this last January, the app store reached its ten billionth download, according to Business 2 Community. And in an app store featuring 300 thousand apps, the possibilities of distraction are endless.
But are all these features keeping us stuck inside a virtual world rather than the natural world? As our eyes have become more glued on our screens, the lines between virtual life and reality have become blurred.
Phones are no longer just calling devices. They are emails, calendars, photos, video cameras, televisions, computers, personal arcades and full-time life-consuming dream machines.

The current generation is growing up in a society where they have never lived without cell phones or portable gaming systems. The older generations, meanwhile, are becoming more reliant on phones for business as well as entertainment.
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For these reasons, it is now becoming more of an inconvenience to perform minimal exercises our parents once did out of habit. Taking the time to compose a letter, seal it and send it would be considered a waste of time these days. You know, these days, when an email is written half in text acronyms and delivered virally in an instant. Maybe we should take some extra time though to create something meaningful outside of anything that needs to be charged with a battery.
Of course it’s going to be hard. The latest iPhone has something for everyone, literally. It reaches across party lines, age lines and gender boundaries. It destroys dividers that usually separate what children want versus what their parents want. No matter what your interest may be, there’s an app for it.
Even if we do get absorbed in our gadgets and gizmos, we should learn to incorporate them into normal life. Walking around with our noses pointed to our screens isn’t natural. Falling asleep with our thumbs on the send button isn’t practical.
Technology should compliment our daily activities, not consume them.