We don’t drink that much
Cecilia Barajas | Staff Writer
[email protected]
With teachers piling on the work, getting wasted sounds like a pretty damn good idea, right? So why not? Might as well – that’s the stereotypical image of a college student.
Since who knows when, people have assumed that if you go to college, you’re going to party every night. Why is that?
It’s because of those geniuses in Hollywood who make over-the-top movies about college students and the stupid things they do. It stereotypes all students and basically, over and over, it’s pounded into your head that this is the way college life is, such as in the “American Pie” movies and the more recent “College.”
The idea that when you leave for college you’re going to get “faded” five times a week and still graduate is absurd. The students I know are spending a lot more time stressing over midterms and rushing to get that last assignment in.
According to a survey done by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, college students were shown to drink less frequently than non-students, with a percentage rate of 3.7 percent versus the 4.5 percent rate of non-students. What it did show is that when students drink, they typically drink more.
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Students are going to drink if they want to. But if students do choose to drink in an uncontrollable manner, they should know that there are consequences for stupidity.
The human brain is not fully developed until the age of 25 and when students binge drink they are impairing their judgment, which increases the chance that they will do something stupid, like drive drunk or use a roof as a diving board. Drinking constantly and excessively will lead to academic problems too, like not showing up to class because you have a hangover and falling behind on class work.
In the end, if you don’t straighten up, you’re going to fail.
Statistics from the NIAAA show that 696,000 students a year are assaulted by another student when there is heavy drinking and around 1,700 college students die from unintentional alcohol-related injuries each year.
So I would rethink that last shot in your hand. It takes around two to three hours to completely sober up from that one drink and nothing can speed up the process. Don’t fall for myths such as: Drink five cups of coffee and you’ll be fine.
Statistics show that college students don’t really drink as much as Hollywood would have you believe. Most college students aren’t constantly partying and getting wasted. But those that do so are the ones that get the attention, and they give us all a bad name.