Ever tried to define the meaning of life or love?
With first-hand knowledge that heaven or hell didn’t exist, how would it affect our lives?
Discussions help individuals tackle big concepts, and the City College Philosophy Club addresses issues like these once a week.
At 4 p.m. every Thursday, the Philosophy Club meets a block from the City College campus at Espresso Metropolitan, 2104 11th Ave.
Members discuss topics such as the meaning of love or the influence of religion on thought. Those in attendance take turns voicing their opinions on the weekly topic until 5 p.m. Every opinion is welcome and respected.
The Philosophy Club was founded a year ago by City College student and philosophy major Moon Beaudette. Beaudette along with Kamarrian Jordan, a first-year psychology major at City College, currently maintain the group’s email communications.
“The discussions give people other ideas to look at pertaining to certain subjects, like religion,” Jordan says. “ I would like to believe it helps people open up and speak on what they believe.”
The club is not currently chartered by the school and the current leaders–Beaudette and Jordan-have no formal titles, stating it’s not really necessary or a club like this. Still the two take charge of making arrangements, contacting members and managing the club email.
New members generally approach the group at the meetings held at Espresso Metro and ask to join.
“The more the merrier,” says Jordan. “New members are always welcome.”
For further information, contact Kamarrian Jordan at [email protected].
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