From the sprawling animal reserve in the Tsavo National Park to the glacial peaks of Mt. Kenya, the African continent boasts a vast array of sights and sounds. For Diana Muhoro, a 24-year-old theatre arts major at City College who grew up in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, Africa is with her always.
“I’m definitely proud to be Kenyan and I thank God,” Muhoro says. “Being born in Kenya has shaped me to be the strong woman I am today.”
While in Kenya, she gained an interest in politics. Her father campaigned in elections as a counselor for Embakasi constituency, one of the eight constituencies in Nairobi Province.
“My father and a few of my extended family members were the ones who were involved in politics,” Muhoro says.
But instead of working in politics like her father, Muhoro decided to follow another career path.
“I wanted to pursue medicine, not just because I have a huge heart for serving people and helping people, but also my family and the situation I was in, influenced me,” Muhoro says. “It’s hard to have great opportunities from where I come from if you don’t have a ‘good’ degree.”
When Muhoro came to the United States in 2004, she found that there were more options here than in Kenya to become a success, so she changed her major to theatre arts when she came to City College in 2007.
“My first acting [gig] at Sac City was in [the] ‘Vagina Monologues’, and I was the main monologue since the concentration was on the genocide that was going on in Congo,” Muhoro says.
Muhoro is no stranger to acting; she started performing in Kenya as a child.
“My mama always told me I used to have people gather around me, and I would perform songs and rhymes and pretend I was on stage,” Muhoro says. “I remember even though I was a little bit nervous, I was more excited and had lots of passion.”
Inspired by her grandmother, mother and sister, all of whom love to perform, Muhoro is following in their theatrical footsteps.
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“My sister had actually won second best actress for the Kenya Schools and Colleges National Drama Festival in 1999,” Muhoro says.
Muhoro says she doesn’t prefer any one genre when it comes to auditioning for acting jobs. She says she wants to grow as a performer, so she is always on the lookout for new things.
“When I perform, I always remember it’s not only about me but who the message represents and who sees it and hears it,” Muhoro says.
Her passions aren’t limited to studying theatre arts alone.
“I have danced since I was a child, and I play instruments — the drums — and I’m currently learning how to play the guitar and piano,” Muhoro says.
Her instructors describe her as kind and smart.
“From what I know of Diana so far, she is a lovely person,” says Luther Hanson, theatre arts and film professor. “[She is] very nice, very intelligent, curious [and] hard working.”
Muhoro has the talent to make her acting dreams come true, according to her friend Andrew Ngariuku, a 21-year-old marketing major at City College.
“She really does have what it takes to be a professional actress,” Ngariuku says. “Diana is very passionate about her career and fully focused, and there’s nothing that’s going to stop her.”
Muhoro has lived in Kenya, Missouri, Kansas and California. She says her next stop could be anywhere—Los Angeles, New York or even right here in Sacramento to pursue her career as a professional actor.
“I thought [Hollywood] was where all actors that are doing well are, but when I moved [here] I [began to] see it differently,” Muhoro says. “Yes, there are really good actors in Hollywood, but also in other states, too, like Tyler Perry who has his own studio in Atlanta [and] he is very successful. So it’s not really where you are that matters. It’s what you have and what you can do with it in the present place you are in.”