With economic pressures, budget cuts and the threat of a recession, students are more aware of where their money is going, and the last thing they want to do is spend more on their education. Most community college students were whining when tuition and fees increased last fall, even though they didn’t rise to the same level as the inflation rate, according to the annual College Board reports on college cost and student aid.
The average tuition and fees that students will shell out in one year at a public two-year community college in 2008-09 is $2,402, increasing only 4.7 percent or $108, according to the Board. Compare that number to a four-year university at $6,585 for tuition and fees, or a private four-year with a staggering cost of $25,143. Dry those tears City College students, you won’t get any pity from us.
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It does cost to have an education, and the prices may seem pretty high. Consider this, living on Top Ramen for a few months, so you can afford those pricey textbooks, is better than living on Top Ramen for years, while trying to work your way out of entry-level employment. Let your time at community college teach you to appreciate the big picture.
It almost makes us feel spoiled.