There’s so much happening at City College, we at the Express wanted to offer a place for students and staff to get essential information in an informative and efficient way. We are compiling a brief list of all the crucial news the City College community needs to know every other week.
Today, April 1, the City College campus and offices are closed in honor of Cesar Chavez Day. This holiday marks Chavez’s birthday and a celebration of his lasting impact on farmworkers’ rights throughout the nation. Take this chance to thank your local farmworker and enjoy your day off!
Are you an artist looking to share your music or art with others? Come perform at City College Music Department’s first Open Mic Night on Thursday, April 11, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Performers are encouraged to share their songs, poems, instrumental music or any other art they would like to perform. The event is open to former, present, and potential students in all Los Rios districts, along with faculty and community members, even if you would just like to listen. Register in advance on this form to perform or attend. For a complete list of available equipment at the event, visit the link above.
“Celebrate City,” the college’s second annual open house, is looking for volunteers. “Celebrate City” takes place on Friday, April 19, from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. and is meant to bring the community together to celebrate City College’s many clubs, programs and student talents. Volunteers will be asked to assist with activities like setup and attendee guidance during the event. The event is open to all and offers free admission, food and music to share with students as well as friends and family. Visit the volunteer form to sign up and learn more about your chance to help out with the Panther fun.
Calling all poets! The City College library is accepting student poem submissions to be featured in a display for National Poetry Month this April. Submissions may be brought to the research help desk on the second floor of the Learning Resource Center, or an emailed copy may be sent to Please include your name in the body of your email submission. Look out for the display all through April.
Tour UC Berkeley on Friday, April 26, from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. in the latest transfer event offered by City College. Attendees can expect a detailed tour of the campus and the opportunity to learn more about the culture and history of the school. Buses will arrive at City College at 7 a.m. and depart for Berkeley at 7:30 a.m. Breakfast will be provided, so students only need to bring lunch or money to pick something up for lunch from the many food offerings at Berkeley. Registration ends April 12, so do not miss out on this fun, informative day to help you decide where to take your college journey next. Sign up for the Berkeley tour here, and visit this link for a list of the Berkeley transfer workshops coming up this semester.
Check back in at the Express every first and third Monday of every month for more news briefs.