Sacramento News & Review columnist and relationship expert Joey Garcia joined the people of RJ Hour Nov. 11 at Mango’s bar downtown to have “an honest chat on sex, consent and the college campus.”
Garcia said that talking about reproductive justice, which is what the letters RJ stand for in RJ Hour, is about getting everyone on the same page.
“One person’s perception is different from someone else’s and that doesn’t make it wrong,” said Garcia. “Because if I think that your perspective is wrong I can’t build a bridge of understanding where we can connect and you can come to understand my perspective.”
To illustrate, Garcia led an activity centered on perception. She passed out pens and paper, asking participants to put their pen in their non-dominant hand, close their eyes, take a deep breath, and start to scribble. After, she asked people to look at their papers to see if they noticed any shapes or symbols, and then had participants pass their papers to a person sitting next to them to repeat the process.
According to Garcia, to build a bridge of understanding you’re supposed to come to the other person’s side and see the importance of reproductive justice. By doing so there must not be the mindset of ‘I’m right and the other person’s wrong.’
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“One of the things I think that is essential is building that bridge [and] finding that neutral place,” said Garcia.
Finding that neutral place can be hard for most people, Garcia said, and just finding common ground with one another is key. Then comes honesty.
Garcia said people have to be more honest with each other about what they are feeling, what they want, and what they don’t want. For people to be successful at communication, they must first know what they actually believe and want for themselves. Meditation and yoga were suggested practices in helping people find their center to tell the truth.
After Garcia’s speech, people shared their personal experiences surrounding reproductive justice.
“RJ Hour was a long time coming,” says founder Laura F. Cardinali. “That’s my passion, the whole spectrum of reproductive justice.”