City College brings a little naughty and a lot more to campus Feb. 10-13 with Sex⊕City, the region’s first-ever, four-day Sex Positive movement event.
Sex⊕City—pronounced Sex Positive City—seeks to educate and promote healthy ideas regarding sexuality in an educational environment through a week of stigma-free Sex Positive fun and events. Topics will range from safe sex to issues such as stereotypes in mainstream media and body image.
“It’s not just about sex, it’s about respect, consent, love, family and relationships,” said City College professor of graphic communications, Sac City Freethinkers club adviser and Sex⊕City coordinator Don Button.
The Sac City Freethinkers club—along with Sac City Feminists, Queer/Straight Alliance and the Sociology Club—is organizing the event, with the support of the Club and Events Board.
According to the event website, “Sex-Positivity is a social movement that promotes and embraces open sexuality with few limits beyond an emphasis on safe sex and the importance of informed consent. The movement generally makes no moral distinctions among types of sexual activities, regarding these choices as matters of personal preference.”
Sex⊕City kicks off Monday, Feb. 10 with Sex, Love & Health A-Faire, followed by different events scheduled throughout the week, including presentations by guest speakers such as author Janet Hardy, who has written many Sex Positive books, and a live performance by the Sizzling Sirens, Sacramento’s Original Burlesque Experience.
Wrapping-up Sex⊕City Feb. 13 is a purchased-ticket entrance show Thursday Night Threesome with master of ceremonies and local comedian Keith Lowell Jensen. Guests Laci Green, Darrel Ray, and Jaye Cee Whitehead will speak.
Tickets for Thursday Night Threesome are available for students at the discounted price of $5 each and are available online at and
Find the entire Sex⊕City schedule of events and additional Sex Positive movement information at and on Facebook at