An informative hands-on event will be held Oct. 27 in the Student Center for high school juniors, seniors and their parents who want to receive information about financial aid and stay on track for college.
Preview Night will host City College’s academic and support services departments at a resource fair from 5:30-6:30 p.m., said Toni Newman, City College’s High School Outreach Specialist. Campus tours will also be available.
“It’s very well attended,” said Newman. “We have 3 hundred students and parents that attend from all over the area.”
The resource fair is the time for prospective students and their parents to find the information they need about the services offered to students while they are attending classes here, said Newman. They will also be going over the Senior Saturday program for seniors that will be enrolling in college.
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Newman mentioned several different workshops from 6:30– 7:30p.m. for potential students to attend, such as Getting Into College. Others include financial aid, application deadlines, BOG fee waivers and new financial aid restrictions.
According to Newman, the Getting Into College workshop will allow students to work with counselors to ensure that they are still on track with their academics and are taking the proper prerequisite classes to get into their potential college course.
“The goal of Preview Night is to help better prepare students and their families about City College and the best ways to stay on track to get there,” said Newman. “Events like this help to show parents that community college is such an integral part of the fabric of Sacramento.”