In-bound, out-of-town students applying to Sacramento State University could have a harder time being admitted because of the new transfer requirements being implemented and the increase in local transfers come fall 2011.
“I highly recommend that any student wanting to attend Sac State meet all minimum requirements and meet all deadlines. This will help with the admissions process,” Edward Mills, associate vice president for enrollment management and student support said.
An additional barrier facing all students transferring to Sacramento State is the lack of an approved California state budget. The lingering budget hinders Sacramento State from knowing how many new students to admit.
According to the Sacramento State’s admission’s website, once a budget is adopted, the campus will notify students about their options. If the budget provides funding to increase enrollment, the campus will finalize its review of student admission eligibility. However, if the budget does not provide additional funding to increase enrollment, students will have the option to request admission for a later semester or withdraw their application and receive a $55 refund.
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Because of budget cuts and increased enrollment applications, Sacramento State won’t be able to financially provide quality academic programs, courses and support services to the extra students, according to Mills.
Local students from the Sacramento, Placer, Yolo, El Dorado, Solano and San Joaquin counties will continue to be admitted under the existing minimum requirements for the university’s admissions.
Sacramento State will continue outreach efforts to outside counties but students will be limited by space availability. The next criteria the university will consider for out-of-town students are a strong academic record and GPA.