Q: How do you handle school with throwing?
A: I’m a full-time student taking 17 units, and I work. It’s a challenge, but it’s worth it in the end.
Q: What do you think of the coaching staff?
A: It’s an honor to be coached by David Nichols, a four-time All-American of Sac State. This will be his second year coaching at Sac City College. He still has a lot to show us, so I know we are going to get better.
A: We practice Monday through Friday from 2-6 p.m and Saturday from 8-11 a.m. On Monday through Thursdays we do a series of weightlifting, such as dead lift, bent row and hang-high pulls, and much more.
Q: How much weight do you lift? How much do you run?
A: We get to practice and first we do our warm-up as a team. Then we begin on Olympic lifting as a team. Our typical lifting would be squats 3×8, bench 3×8, bent row 3×8, abs, sit-ups 3×20, and plank and plate walks. Each day our coach will provide us with an extra workout following our daily workout. This helps us to succeed.
Q: How are you preparing differently this season than last?
A: This season I’m taking practice more seriously. Last year I had a knee injury and I took time off during the season, which really hurt my performance. I’m making sure that I stay healthy and take each practice as if it were a real track meet.