Since fall 2012 City Colleges Health Services has been using Medicat, a software system that manages student health records, making it easier for staff nurses to access medical information.
Medicat has been a leading provider of healthcare information technology to colleges and universities for 15 years, according to the company’s web site. Instead of a paper form keeping track of a student’s visits to the health service office, data is stored in a computer, according to Wendy Gomez, R.N., health service nurse.
“There is such a large number of students and a limited amount of storage space,” said Gomez. “This makes keeping paper copies impractical. A student may come in once and not need to see us again for several months. Just locating a paper copy is difficult.”
The Medicat system uses its “Total Patient Health Management System” to eliminate paper records. It allows for authorized medical personnel to quickly access a student’s medical history, Gomez said.
“A student may come in that I haven’t seen in months and may not recognize, or he may not have seen me on his first visit,” said Gomez, who added that electronic records greatly reduce the amount of time it takes to look at student records.
Another benefit of Medicat is that patient information is kept confidential. According to Gomez, “Medicat also does away with the problem of lost charts.”
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Ana Ortiz, a cosmetology student, said, “I feel that the health service people really care about me. They are always nice.”
Health Services staff also visit classrooms and give talks about how students can better handle stress. Coupling student stress-related visits with Medicat’s trend-tracking ability, Health Services targets classes that seem to cause extra stress, Gomez said.
Gomez added that Health Services is not a permanent solution to any student’s medical problems, but does provide a starting point.
The Health Services staff consists of Gomez, Christian, Health Assistant Pat Cousin and two nurse interns.
City Colleges Health Services offers first-aid for accidents and sudden illness, according to its pamphlet, as well as evaluation of medical problems and health screenings for blood pressure, weight and body fat, and tuberculin skin testing. Health Services also provides drug and alcohol abuse information and referrals, as well as assistance with smoking cessation.
Health Services is located in Rodda North 125, behind the counseling office.