City College football games are webcast live radio-style on sportsnetusa.net.
Tyrone Freeman, father of freshman running back for the Panthers, Tyrone Freeman Jr. tunes in from Michigan and said the site is “very accurate, I like the commentator. I enjoy it.”
“Sportnetusa.net agreed to webcast our football games,” said Mitch Campbell, Dean of Kinesiology, Health and Athletics. “I thought it would be a good thing for fans, parents, students ––anybody who wanted to listen to the games — for it to be available.”
Randy Routier, director of broadcast and sales in Northern California for sportsnetusa.net, said he started broadcasting for City College sports in spring semester 2008 when he announced a couple of men’s and women’s basketball games live on the site.
After coordinating with Campbell, Routier began to webcast Panther home football games in fall 2009.
“People don’t realize the history that [Hughes] Stadium has with professional teams like the 49ers, the Raiders and the Cowboys having exhibition games there. [Hughes Stadium] is an incredible facility with all those great histories,” Routier said.
Webcasting increased its coverage the next semester, Routier said, and he has webcast all away and home football games for the 2011 season. Local broadcaster Will James, of the community media website Access Sacramento, performs the home game webcasts with Routier.
“[This is the] first year we have been able to do the away games as well,” Campbell said.
“The website is perfect,” Freeman said. “It is very simple [and] it is very easy to get to. Just sometimes during the broadcast of the games, it gets a little windy, and sometimes it is a little hard to listen.”
Freeman also coaches football in Michigan and said he and other coaches from Michigan tune into the football games on sportsnetusa.net.
“It really feels good, you know, my son really enjoys playing for Sacramento,” Freeman said of the webcast football games.
“He talks about the team and the coaches all the time. It just feels good, just to know that he is out there getting an education and he’s playing sports. Freeman said he plans to visit the area to sit in Hughes Stadium for the last home game.
City College is the only community college webcast live in northern California via sportsnetusa.net, according to Routier who added that he is trying to expand in the region to include interested high school athletic programs.
“Many of these kids at Sacramento City, they go on to four-year schools and play football there or finish up their education,” Routier said.
According to Routier, student athletes at community colleges don’t get enough acknowledgment or media coverage for their performance achievements compared to four-year university students in athletic programs.
“I think [the program] is wonderful. I want the community to know about it and for these kids to get some publicity,” Routier said.
In the previous webcast seasons, away game coverage largely depended on the school’s facilities including a press box with room for broadcasters and score-keepers, Routier said. He has webcaste local college and high school games for different cable companies and because of lack of space, once even climbed atop a press box in windy weather to webcast action live.
As the third season that football games are broadcast on sportsnetusa.net, Campbell said he would like to the see the program expand.
“We’ll plan on trying to continue and even to grow [the program] to be able to get some more of our sports if we can,” Campbell said.
To listen to the last two football games Oct. 29 and Nov.5, or for archived games, visit sportnetusa.net and click on the image for Sacramento City College Panther football.