“Learn to Surf this Saturday!” It was as simple as that, those few words on a sign near City College’s cafeteria caught my attention and intrigued my sense of adventure. Now a week later, I can say that I now know how to surf.

On Saturday Oct. 8, City College’s “Adventure Club” hosted an opportunity of surfing lessons for two hours for only $60. This included board and wetsuit rental, and most importantly, a ride.
Bright and early Saturday morning before the sun had even cleared the skyline, 15 brave and groggy students found their way to the awaiting vans. By 6:45 a.m. the adventure had begun, the sunset was beautiful, and as we entered the bay area we were welcomed by the infamous bay fog. Which gave an eerie feel as wedrove above it along the windy roads going through the mountains. After a total of 110 miles and two smoking van-brakes later, we arrived to the little surf shack in the even smaller town called Bolinas.

2 Mile Surf Shack was eagerly awaiting our arrival as we barely made it in time for our 10 a.m. lesson, and boards and wetsuits were already set out for our group. After suiting up we met our instructors and were each given a 9 foot surf board. Our lesson started with a demonstration on a brilliantly graffiti painted beach. We learned how to paddle out on the board, how to get up on the board and how to fall off the board without the board knocking you in the face.After a few lazy attempts of dry land surfing we were all convinced we were both wave and water worthy.
The best waves form in specific spots along the beach, which we very easy to find because there were dozens of surfers already in the water all grouped together, and our group of 15 quickly joined the pack.
Surfing is somewhat simple. The process is as follows, paddle out far enough to where the waves start to curl, point your board towards shore and when a wave approaches frantically paddle to stay in front of the wave and as it takes control of the momentum of your board,. You then swing your feet up center of the board and stand up, if your standing the wave will do the rest. Heck, it’ll even take you all the way back into shore if you don’t jump off the board which is conveniently attached at the ankle. After two hours of this, I was exhausted, starving and heavily salted. We all turned in our boards and suits and met back on the beach for lunch.
The rest of the afternoon we were able to explore the beach, ocean and city. I went exploring camera in hand, and captured some beautiful beach photos. A few hours later, we all packed back into our vans and headed for our next destination on this adventure, dinner in Point Reyes. I wont go to far into detail about this hidden little town but I will definitely recommend the Station House Café for a fancy, yet affordable and satisfying dinner.
As the sun set after a full day the ride home was a perfect time to nap, the end of a true adventure for the City College adventure club.