The City College women’s water polo team may not be a conference powerhouse, but head coach Steve Hanson said that this year’s team can challenge any competitor left on its schedule that thinks it can beat City College.
“My first year, we had no wins,” Hanson said. “Last year we had one, so we’re still building this program.”
This season Hanson said he has great optimism that new recruits will be the building blocks needed to build a powerful team he envisions for City College. The addition of six new athletes to the team, all of whom have had previous experience playing water polo, will help tremendously in building a solid water polo team, Hanson said.
“This year two of our new players are our leading scorers,” Hanson said. “The team is learning to have patience and trust in their teammates, so we expect more [action] than years before.”
Athletes like Chelsea Kennedy, 19, general education major, said this year’s athletes are defensively solid and are more than capable of stepping up when the pressure is put on.
Kennedy believes that the team plays such an aggressive style of defense that it has allowed the team to devote the needed time to offensive tactics and strategies that will help the players to become a potent offense.
“This season I am mostly expecting a lot more improvement in the motion of our plays as our team learns to work with one another and we trust each other more,” Kennedy said.
“Big, hairy, audacious goals” best describe the seriousness of the young team members’ expectations, Hanson said. “This year we want to enter the Big 8 Conference championships with at least the fifth seed,” Hanson said.
“We can compete and get a higher seed than say Modesto or Delta so we can come into the conference
championships and have a better opportunity to go farther.”
Hanson said he believes that the team is on the cusp of scoring early and often, but more time for athletes to build chemistry with each other is needed to tighten up the loose spots in the offense that are hindering the team currently.
Hanson believes his athletes have the talent to understand the game but are in the process of taking that understanding and translating it to the game itself.
“It’s just a matter of taking what they know into game situations,” Hanson said.
This season the team has a large number of first year college athletes, which according to Hanson, is what the team needs to “build the program to the next season and carry on that consistency.”
According to Kennedy, the team members have a work ethic and drive that is all go all the time.
“Our girls are working hard and playing with 100 percent,” Kennedy said. “It’s a great group of girls!”