On an average day, 75 to 100 student-athletes make their way to the North Gymnasium training room 130. With an injury potentially getting in the way of athletic competition, the student-athletes have no time to lose. They report to see Jude Temple, head athletics trainer at City College.
“[We] take care of the health, welfare, safety [and] well-being” of 500 student-athletes, Temple said.
Injuries are just one portion of athletics, and, depending on the sport, there are about the same number of minor injuries as there are major ones, Temple said.
Football players, Temple said, usually have acute injuries, like smashed hands. A cross-country injury is typically more chronic side—for example pulling a hamstring that requires multiple visits with the trainer.
Temple said he sees different injuries every day. One student-athlete might come in for a bag of ice, another one with a torn ACL, a major ligament in the knee.
Temple said he has been through the injury process and knows what it’s like for athletes to know that they might not be able to compete. The most rewarding feeling, Temple said, is the look on a student-athlete’s face when
he or she does recover.
There are limitations, though. With the one assistant he has, he attempts to treat as many student-athletes as he can possibly handle.
“We got about 320-350 athletes actively going right now,” Temple said.
A job in the athletic field at City College is a manyhour job, according to Dave Whittington, equipment manager since 1993.
Whittington is familiar with the many athletic deeds on and off the field.
“Sometimes you don’t see any weekends or holidays,” Whittington said. “Fourth of July and maybe Christmas and New Years are the only holidays you see.”
The trainer and equipment manager work collectively, Whittington said, especially during football season. As the athletic trainer, Temple must request any equipment to help athletes dodge injuries. It’s Whittington’s job, he said, to make sure the pads and helmets are suitable and meet the trainer’s standards.
Protection of student-athletes is the main focus in athletic training. If there ever comes a point where trainers forget that, “you might as well find another job,” Temple said.
Dealing with the vast number of athletes during the seasons is no easy matter, Temple added. An unwritten rule is that faculty assist with end-season sports before the upcoming season. Some athletes, Temple said, don’t get enough time for treatment. The number of athletes, along with fewer hours allotted for trainers, limits what trainers can accomplish.
Temple recalled that he applied for the athletic training job at City College in 2009. He was hired the same year in August. He knew it wasn’t going to be simple, but, Temple said, he was determined to work at his alma mater.
Lisa Bauduin, women’s head track and field coach, was Temple’s mentor and coach in 1993. Bauduin was a first-year coach at City College when Temple was a first-year athlete. Bauduin recalled that she was most impressed by Temple’s motivation as an athlete and student.
Every athlete has a goal or a drive, Bauduin said, but Temple had more than many students.
“He took a jogging class of mine, and he would try to always ask questions on how to get faster and how to get more powerful,” Bauduin said.
Temple said he had no plans to return to Sacramento to work. The process simply brought him full circle. Outside school are the needs of his family, and his choices within the work field reflect that.
“I got to do what’s right for my family,” Temple said.
Temple said that he has a certain love for City College and its student-athletes.
“It’s just something one can’t buy or… pay for,” he said.