City College cosmetology department is hosting its annual Food for Beauty canned food drive. Feb. 23 to March 4.
In exchange for donating canned foods the cosmetology department is offering free haircuts and manicures given by City College students under instructor supervision. You can call to make an appointment between 7:45 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. but it is not necessary because walk-ins are welcome.
The Cosmetology Building is located at the corner of 12th Avenue and Freeport Boulevard.
The annual event was started by City College faculty members 25 years ago who wanted to give back to the Sacramento community. All donations go to the Sacramento Food Bank. The Sacramento Food bank leaves two barrels on campus to collect the cans; each barrel holds up to 55 pounds of canned food.
“We usually fill up one and a half barrels,” said cosmetology professor Marcia Bonawitz.
For more information, contact 558-2597.