A male passenger on the light rail inappropriately groped a female City College student from behind while she was waiting for her train on Aug. 30 at the 16th Street light rail station The suspect has since been identified and arrested by the Sacramento Police Department and is currently in custody, according to the Sacramento Police Department’s bulletin to the Los Rios Police Department.
According to RT Chief Operating Officer Mark Lonergan, RT spends about $6 million a year on security for the light rail and bus systems. Sacramento City police officers, Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department deputies and RT’s transit officers make up the eyes and ears of security for the transit system. Crime statistics from Sacramento Police Department and RT determine where and when officers should be concentrating their efforts, but they can’t be everywhere all of the time.
“I’m not surprised that happened,” said Tami Moore, 25, when hearing of the incident.
Moore, a City College student, rides the light rail daily. She has never feared for her safety while on the trains, but said she steps up her awareness at the 16th Street station. At night the station is not well lit, and there are either too many people there or not enough, Moore said.
The 16th Street station is a central hub of activity. Passengers can switch between blue and gold lines for the light rail, catch a bus, or walk to their desired downtown destination. Approximately 4,800 people get on or off the light rail at 16th Street on an average weekday. It is the busiest light rail stop in the region, according to Sacramento Regional Transit District Fact Sheet.
While officers are checking fares and patrolling within the boundaries of the transit system, cameras positioned on the trains and at the stations are keeping track of the people coming and going. With 50 light rail stations, 31 bus and light rail transfer centers and over 3,300 bus stops to patrol, security officers cannot physically be everywhere incidents might occur. Cameras, monitored live by security officers, catch occurrences when they happen and alert RT. The closest officer is then able to respond quickly.
“We want our passengers to feel safe when using our system,” said Alane Masui, assistant general manager of marketing and communications for SRT.
Although officers are deployed daily to police light rail stations, bus stations and on the trains, there is no way to prevent crime altogether. Where there are large concentrations of people, crime happens.
“The train is like any other public place and people need to be aware of their surroundings,” said Lonergan.
When incidences like the assault last month affect City College students, Sacramento Police Department notifies the Los Rios Community College Police Department, who then notifies students and offers safety information. The Clery Report, released annually, reports crime statistics for all campuses in the Los Rios Community College District and is made public to students. The LRCCPD also provides literature on safety, awareness and specifically, in this case, light rail safety.
The light rail station at City College isn’t one of the worst places for crime on campus, according to statistics, but Captain Valerie Cox, LRCCPD believes students should be aware of their surroundings everywhere they go.
“No location is immune from crime,” said Cox.
According to Cox, one of the most frequent complaints on campus has been the “snatch-and-grab,” but not because people leave their items unattended. With the emergence of smart phones and tablet computers, students can check their emails and text messages anywhere anytime. Strolling around campus, students can be seen staring at screens 3 inches away from their faces instead of staying alert to their surroundings, says Cox.
The tendency, according to Cox, is to bring out the smart phone or tablet on the train to catch up on homework or respond to emails. These high-priced items can attract theft.
“I think that whenever you go anywhere, whether you are using the light rail station, traveling in your vehicle, or walking to and from campus you have to be cognizant of where you are, what’s around you, and be alert to your surroundings in general because crime is not something that has boundaries,” said Cox. “Crime is something that happens anytime and anywhere.”
The LRCCPD and RT provide the following advice to increase the personal safety of transit riders and students on campus.
Stay alert to your surroundings. Try to travel with another person especially at night. LRCCPD does provide an escort service to students who feel unsafe walking to their vehicles or to the transit
station alone.
- Walk quickly and confidently to your destination.
- Hold bags close to your body.
- Avoid areas with few people.
- If you are walking to a vehicle have your keys out and ready, check both the front and rear seats before entering and lock the door immediately after getting into your vehicle.
- If you feel you are being followed, walk to a well-populated area.
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