Proposition 19:Legalizing marijuana in California
Prop. 19 allows anyone who is 21 years or older to possess, cultivate and transport marijuana for personal use.
PRO: Would cut down on taxpayer dollars spent on current marijuana law enforcement. Will control and tax the use of marijuana much as the state controls and taxes alcohol. Criminal penalties will be levied on anyone giving marijuana to minors. The law will generate funds from new taxes.
CON: Anyone over 21 would be able to legally smoke marijuana until the moment they climb behind the wheel of a car. While it will be illegal to drive under the influence, there is no restriction for smoking before driving. Employers will no longer be able to screen for employee marijuana use.
Proposition 21: Vehicle license fee for parks
Establishes an additional $18 fee annually on vehicle license registration to help fund state parks and wildlife programs. Exempt from this are commercial vehicles, trailers and trailer coaches. May increase state revenues to $500 million a year. These revenues could provide at least $250 million in additional money annually for state and wildlife conservation.
PRO: State parks and beaches are in danger of suffering irreparable damage. Prop 21 allows for secured additional revenue to keep parks maintained and safe.
CON: State parks already have funding. The funding could be diverted to other programs, causing not an increase in wildlife conservation funding but an increase in car tax alone.
Proposition 22: The local taxpayer, public safety, and transportation protection act
In California a new budget is passed every year. Under current law, the Legislature can borrow money from tax revenue to make up for budget deficits.
PRO: Legislature would no longer be able to borrow funds from tax revenue that have already been dedicated for other uses, such as transportation, redevelopment or local government projects.
CON: Closes off the state’s ability to borrow funds from state tax revenues and could put education, public safety and social services at risk.
Proposition 23:
Freezes an already existing law, AB32, the Global Warming Act passed by Legislature in 2006 that addresses global warming, requiring the state to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions. This proposition would halt the implementation of AB32 until California’s unemployment rate drops to 5.5 percent or less for a year.
PRO: Suspends AB32 and the reduction of taxes placed on companies to be able to hire more employees.
CON: Will put a suspension on AB32 until California’s unemployment rate drops from 12 percent to 5.5 percent for one full year. That has only happened three times in 30 years.
Proposition 24: Repeal of corporate tax breaks
Would change three provisions in California’s law for taxing businesses:
Makes it more difficult for a business to deduct losses in one year compared to another.
A business that operates in other states will have its California income determined by a calculation, not by the “single sale factor,” where business can choose to be taxed on property, payroll or sales.
One business cannot share tax credits with another.
PRO: Prevents corporations from taking about $1.3 million a year in tax breaks. It also prevents them from getting unfair tax loopholes that smaller businesses do not receive. May stop several corporate tax breaks that are to go into effect in 2010 and 2012.
CON: May hurt small businesses and send jobs out of California.
Proposition 25: Majority vote for Legislature to pass the budget
Lowers legislative vote requirement to pass the annual budget bill. Two-thirds of the Legislature must vote to pass a budget in California.
PRO: The Legislature would be held accountable for the budget, and its members’ salaries will be stopped if the budget is late. May end budget gridlock.
CON: May make it easier for politicians to raise taxes because of the smaller number of legislators required to pass the budget and budget-related legislation.
Proposition 26:
Supermajority vote to pass new taxes and fees
Increases the vote requirement for fees and charges, requires that certain state and local fees be approved by a two-thirds vote. The meaning of taxes would be expanded to include payments that as of now are considered to be fees or charges.
PRO: It may stop politicians from raising hidden taxes on goods, such as food and gas. This proposition would protect taxpayers and consumers from hidden taxes.
CON: Could cost the state billions, leading to cuts in education, public safety and health care.
For more information on all propositions visit www.saccityexpress.com.