Ellyssa Rodriguez
Staff Writer
The spring semester is nearly over, and finals are quickly approaching, as well as the inevitable feeling of stress to get those last assignments done and score a high grade. City College is providing a fun event to shake off that pre-final stress. Certified therapy dogs will be on hand May 9 in the Quad for people to play with in an event called Paws to Relax from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
“Research has shown that interacting with animals decreases stress hormones and can give people a sense of peace,” said City College campus nurse Wendy Gomez, event organizer.
Gomez said five therapy dogs, including City College’s Health Services therapy dog Sadie, will be at the event.
Gomez said this year’s event is the second Paws to Relax event on campus, and there are plans to repeat the event every semester during finals time. The event last year saw hundreds of people on campus in attendance. Some professors even allowed students to walk over during class time.
“Therapy dogs during finals week? Genius,” said Michael Uy, a City College design technology major.