Students on campus appeared as if they were auditioning for a Hollywood zombie movie after Tuesday’s election.
Disbelief and shock wafted through the air. A few concerned City College students shared their views with the Express.
Many students were in a state of disbelief, or trying their best to remain optimistic.
Celeste Masuda, Freshman Criminal justice major, said “It all feels like a dream”
Ruth Marquez, who was on campus for Chicana/Latina Welcome Day said, “I’ve been mourning. I wore black all day yesterday.”
“If we come together, we’ll be okay,” said Deja Johnson a Freshman who’s aspiring to be a social worker.
“It’s important to remember that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote,” said Kali Asselet, a sophomore journalism major, “and not the electoral vote. There’s an electoral college vote which is more important as a collective, and has more power than we do.”
Victor Vargas, a sophomore business major said, “as an Orthodox Christian of the Russian Church living outside the country, I worry about if the peaceful ties we have with Holy Russia will remain.”
“I am afraid Trump will turn into a dictator,” said Sedric Reyes, “If we take care of our homeless population first and foremost, and not those from other countries, you know start at ground zero. If we continue to let those in who are already needing homes, and we don’t have enough for our own, what kind of message does that send to the rest of the population?”
However not everyone was as worried.
Ryan Servantes, a freshman history major said , “I feel pretty confident about the election, and I don’t mind saying I’m actually one of the people who voted for Donald Trump. Despite the accusations made against him, I feel he could do good things for our country. I’ve always felt him to be the lesser of the two evils compared to Hillary Clinton.”