City College is facing a huge budget deficit and is looking to various areas to save.
The City College budget is formed through a complex planning process involving much collaboration and lots of reworking, according to City College President Kathryn Jeffery.
“I believe in kind of a team approach to planning across the institution overall,” Jeffery said, “and budget is one aspect of that planning.”
This year, the college has developed a budget for the next three years, up to 2012. The Los Rios Community College District budget is also for three years, according to City College Vice President of Administrative Services Robert Martinelli.
The budget is based on the state’s forecast for the next year, but that forecast has changed again recently, according to Martinelli.
“What [the new forecast] really means, practically, until something definitive comes along, is you’d better watch what you’re spending.” Martinelli said. “And that’s the mode we’re in right now; we have to be.”
As many students know and Vice President of Instruction John Ruden confirms, class sections have been cut, but City College has also found many other areas to save in.
Some open positions at City College have not been filled, Jeffery said, in an attempt to save some money. Because health care benefit costs have increased, employees have been asked to help pay for that, Martinelli said. Also, the budget committee was unable to give all programs the money they asked for, but tried to give many programs at least some help, according to Jeffery.
City College officials have also made some decisions about where not to cut.
“We’re maintaining a commitment to full-time employees,” Jeffery said.
No full-time employees have been laid off or furloughed, and full-time employees and officials (including Jeffery) have also continued to receive standard step raises, according to Jeffery. Step raises are used by most public educational districts, and negotiated by teachers’ unions, to guarantee a standard of pay for educators. Step raises cannot be adjusted by administrators to balance the budget.
“All employees that were eligible for a step increase would get a step increase,” Jeffery said. “We’re also maintaining a commitment to not reducing critical courses.”
Critical courses include those essential to majors, basic skills courses, and courses that must be taken in sequence.
Jeffrey said she isn’t certain how long these commitments will be able to last.
“It certainly is a wait and see game,” she said.
Other areas where cuts have been made, Jeffery said, include travel, white paper use, printing, copying and mailing.
Staff development, classes and programs which further education for faculty and staff, have also been reduced, according to Jeffery.
That reduction includes scaling back on part-time staffing of both faculty and student-employee positions. The intent of such reductions is to make certain that City College maintains its ability to offer a fair and balanced program of classes, Jeffery said, though the extent of the budget shortfall still requires that courses be cut.
While full-time instructors have been largely protected, some adjunct (part-time) instructors have not received any or as many classes as they used to, according to Ruden. Instructors and students have shown concern about this.
“This semester, we had some instructors who did not teach overload so that their adjunct colleagues would have a class,” Ruden said.
City College student Jessica Blizard thinks furloughs or other cuts would be worth it if it meant keeping adjuncts.
“I like having part-time teachers,” Blizard said, “because the classes I take, for like, graphic design classes—a lot of teachers, they do that, and they’re also in the work force. And I like that, because they know what’s new and going on.”