Since the advent of the radio and the telephone, a steady stream of technological achievements has made communicating with others quick, easy and widely accessible.
Communication technology, like text messaging and social media Web sites, can be very beneficial as long as it doesn’t take over your life.
A random survey of 25 City College students revealed that the most popular medium of communication used on campus is cell phones. Almost every student in the survey owns a cell phone and uses it almost every day.
Text messaging allows students to pause conversations, tuck them into a pocket, go into class and continue later where they left off with a flip of a cell phone. However, when students text in class, they are making their conversations a priority over their education and are distracting students who want to learn.
According to a Nielson Mobile survey, released in September 2008, in the second quarter of 2008, cell phone users in the United States sent more text messages than made phone calls. An even more astonishing statistic is that the number of cell phone users who text increased by 450 percent from 2006, according to the poll.
For making and communicating with friends, I prefer to use social media Web sites because these sites are not reliant on face-to-face interaction. They also help quiet and shy people, like me, engage in conversations with others, which could be hard to do in person.I met a good friend who lives in Ireland through MySpace. Talking on the phone would cost a small fortune, but using the Internet makes it much more affordable. Making friends overseas is easier when there’s no huge long-distance phone bill to worry about.
I was also able to reconnect with family who live across the United States and many high school friends who live in Montana by using MySpace and Facebook. Mostly, I don’t know any of their phone numbers or home addresses, so these Web sites are my only way of talking to them.
Despite these benefits, some people become overly reliant on text messaging and Web sites to communicate, and it can hurt their relationships and communication skills.
Typing a text message or tweet is incomparable to human interaction. It is one way to communicate with people, but it should not be the only way.
If your friends change as often as the profiles of your MySpace page, or you can’t remember the last in-depth, in-person conversation you’ve had with a friend, then you have let this technology control your life. However, as long as it is used in moderation, communication technology can be beneficial to helping people open-up and connect with the rest of the world.