The Los Rios District is making a district-wide switch from the current iMail e-mail system between its four colleges to Gmail starting June 1, 2013.
According to the Los Rios District website, Gmail is more appropriate for the district because of the increased storage limits and that Gmail is more “state of the art.”
Most City College students said they either favored this decision while others said that they had no opinion on the subject.
“I really don’t care either way,” said Thomas Pierson, 19, undecided major. “To me it’s not a problem.”
Many City College students already have a Gmail account and have forwarded all e-mail from their school iMail account to their Gmail account.
For those in favor of this decision, some of the benefits are that most students use Google accounts for other options, which means ease of access all from one account. Instead of managing multiple accounts, now everything can be controlled from a singular account access.
“iMail is not that great of a system,” said 19-year-old pharmaceutical student Larry Woolfolk. “Gmail is easier to use and I just get my e-mails sent to my Gmail anyway, so now it’s saving me from managing e-mails. It saves a hassle.”
If you want to change over to Gmail Click here.
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