Women no longer the only ones to mix and match style
Walking through the busy halls of City College one cannot help but notice all of the hot accessories men are sporting today.
From the guy in front of Lillard Hall who sports Ray-Ban sunglasses and the Ed Hardy messenger bag to the student in front of the LRC who looks as if he wears the store Hot Topic on his body.
Men’s accessories are in full force this fall.
According to NPD Group which keeps an eye on retail sales, men have been dominating the accessories world during these tough economic times.
Back in the Silicon Valley boom of 1994 men would not be caught dead wearing bracelets, scarves and watches all at the same time.
However, according to fashion professor Lynne Giovannetti, that trend has changed.
“We used to see I.D bracelets and dog tags, today we are seeing more of the rubber, colored bracelets,” says Giovannetti. “Glasses are a huge thing today as well as body adornment, which is an accessory.”
Audio production major Keon Murry says he’s addicted to accessories.
“I carry around my Ed Hardy Bag with me all of the time, and I love wearing jewelry, watches and hats too,” says Murry. “[I would say] that I spend at least $10,000 a year on accessories alone.”
Among the other current trends at City College are Jordan tennis shoes and messenger bags.
Nursing major Russell Stephen states his accessories are essential for him and his personality.
“I am constantly wearing my Jordan’s, earrings, gold necklaces, my iPod Touch and my man bag; I bring my man bag with me everywhere.”
The two men mentioned above are exceptions to spending massive amount of money on accessories, because the majority of men at City College spend $50-$100 on accessories.
Communications major Robert Green says he has a large collection of accessories but he has to be frugal when shopping.
“I’ve got about 60-70 pairs of sunglasses right now, but I got them at a really good price,” says Green. “I spend about $50-$100 a year on accessories, not much more than that.”
Plastic-colored rubber band bracelets and wallets are a huge accessory among the young men at City College.
Communications major London Donson says he and his favorite accessories are inseparable.
“My elastic bracelets, I shower with them on [and] I always carry my wallet on my shorts, so I don’t lose it.”
Whether or not the economy is tough right now for some male students, the men at City College have a rocking fashion sense and a keen sense of self and personal individuality.
“I definitely think a lot of men are more fashion conscious,” says fashion expert and author of the popular fashion Blog, The Glass Closet.com by Nicole Stith. “I think that fashion as a whole has evolved as an art form and therefore it is more acceptable for men to portray their individuality through fashion.”